Monday, August 29, 2011

My final note to my college girl this summer

In honor of all the back-to-schoolness
and the many, many "kids" we know heading off to college,
I give you the words I left my daughter this past June
as I dropped her off to begin her university experience.

It brings joy to my heart to know they meant so much to her that she memorialized them on facebook.
Thank you miss h.
(And aren't you so impressed with my skills using the photo messing with tools
that I used to hide your name? I am.)


So glad you've come to visit!
I'd love to hear {read};) your thoughts!

Deliver Me From Donut Day

Again, I haven't written in a while, but I don't want to forget this one. It's a doozy. I work in an elementary school. I teach ...