Ok, so one of my Beckys has asked for what order I would recommend reading the books I listed (see this post).
Earlier in my life, I was accused of being bossy, so I now have issues with the manner in which I tell people what they should do. I am now only bossy to those living with me, and I most always say please (even when I am asking them to not drive so fast because there are always consequences when one drives too fast).
So, I am not going to tell you. You can decide for yourself.
But, we will be discussing "The Help" at the end of the summer. :).
(We will be a very slow moving book club.)
And here are my short descriptions of some of the reads listed in that post:
The Survivor's Club--nonficiton, gives different stories of different kinds of survivors, if you have a code (you can only use the code one time) -you can go online and find your "survivor type," I am not tenacious nor do I have ingenuity-but I will survive on faith, love, and empathy.
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County--fiction, you think it's going to be about one thing and it turns out to be about something totally different, I kept asking myself, "what would I do? How would I handle this?" I would really like to discuss this, but of course, that would mean I would need to read it again because I liked it so much I stayed awake reading until 2am and now can remember little.
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane--fiction, mystery, romance, ok, I read this one too fast, too. Loved the stories and how they fit together.
The Lace Reader--fiction, I don't even know what to say, because I don't want to give this one away. I love to figure books and movies and stories out before I get to the end. Thought I had this one & was only kind of right. Loved it. Again, I stayed up way too late reading and now suffer small memory loss.
The Shack--fiction, somewhat religious, My spiritual views differ greatly with this story. This is a book to read if you really want to challenge how you view things or maybe see them in a different way. It's also very touching and somewhat heart wrenching. It was not one of my favorites, but I do not regret reading it.
The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women--nonfiction, health, I've been following this for almost a year. If I would eat better I probably would "lift like a man and look like a godess." It's been challenging and I now look in the mirror and flex my new biceps--along with my chicken wing flaps. (There-I did it just now, for you. woo hoo.) I really like it. There is one excercise that one of the gym trainers told me would hurt my knees if I kept doing it--so I adapted it and my knees said thanks.
The Great and Terrible Series--fiction, LDS (Mormon) author, scared my pants off.
Get prepared. That's all I can say. End times are not going to be a picnic. And I'm not going to tell you anymore because when I think about this story, my worry stomach gets working too hard. This series is the reason I read The Survivor's Club and will now be taking martial arts classes.

Here's a link to the Sugar Shock Blog.
After reading these, I have decided that if I die this summer because I am giving up sugar and making some changes, that I will be fine.
And while I am trying to live without sugar, I will be reading The Outliers, The Collected Works of TS Spivet, Living your Strengths, another on that is on hold at the library that I can't remember its name, various kids' books, and many more.
My goal is to be in bed at 10pm, lights out at 11. And no sugar.
Okay. I have placed a library hold on The Help. It's a good thing we will be discussing at the end of the summer because I am hold #980 of 279 books. Thanks for giving me a pseudo book club.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to read some of your book recommendations this summer. I am always looking for a book that won't end up disappointing me. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAlso, thanks for a good "big life lesson" smile. I'm teaching my second child to drive and just don't think I"m getting this message through.